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  • Writer's pictureLisa Ruggero-Salerno

The importance of having your Will etc done correctly

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

Do you talk about dying? Do you talk about your Will? Do you talk about what is going to happen when you die?

I have seen many cases where simple documents done prior to the person’s death would have saved a lot of anxiety for family members.

It is important when someone is diagnosed with a terminal illness, that the conversation takes place.

Many people prepare a Will many, many years earlier.

Things may have changed.

A lot of people do not want to discuss their Will but it is a necessary conversation.

It is important when someone is diagnosed that all of their affairs are examined immediately rather than later or after death.

Things cannot be fixed after death.

Sometimes speaking out and having family meetings can resolve a lot of issues rather than a Court resolving them for you.

Recently, we received a case in which the deceased owned her property with her ex-husband as joint tenants. The ex-husband had not been involved in the property for 30 years.

This could have been fixed by a severance of the joint tenancy which could have been done cheaply had the conversation taken place.

So if you or a family member is diagnosed or near death – have that conversation and at Vizzone Ruggero Twigg Lawyers, we can guide and help you.

Lisa Ruggero Salerno

Senior Partner Vizzone Ruggero Twigg Lawyers


For an appointment contact Melissa Full email or telephone for an appointment either at our Mascot Office or City Office 96671271.

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